Friday, May 09, 2008

Blender Advanced Fluids - DVD Video Tutorial

I was reading through one of the blog posts of Hand Turkey Studios and I said, why don't I check this out. I really need to learn some Blender Compositing Techniques. Then, I eventually registered in cmiVFX, just to check those techniques and I thought if I liked the way of the tutorials there I would buy the 'Blender Advanced Fluids - DVD Video Tutorial'. Unfortunately, cmiVFX does not send DVDs anymore, because they've become green. Their new moto now is:
I though that it's ok for me to download a video then. To my surprise it's not allowed to save those files. To save them you have to sate this before you order and you should add to the total amount about 14 US dollars.

An extract from their email:

All downloadable videos are hard encoded with your
personal information hidden inside. Only our cmi
Custom Software application can decode this hidden
noise algorithm. We track many different pirate
websites, forums, and custom flavors of FTP, HOTLINE
and KDX servers to prevent piracy of our videos. Any
reselling, trading, or sharing of a cmiVFX video is a
direct EULA violation and is punishable by
international law.

We have videos done for FTP transfer or torrent

Its based on the exact dvd image that you would get
except you can start downloading them right away.

DVD’s used to be 60.00 USD plus fees.

To upgrade from a player video to a h264 HD file,
there is a 14.00 USD upgrade requirement per video.

In order to get these upgrades you can follow these
simple instructions.

Send a paypal payment to me at for
the TOTAL amount of all your videos that need to
be upgraded.

Please include the names of these videos in the
comment box section of the payment form so we can
cross reference your order to our database.
Now that means the video is for $49.95 USD and to be able to download it you add $14 USD which makes a total of $63.95 USD. I've already paid for that video and I can't get my video to complete because their lousy video player which is really pain to use. I can't even get any video to complete to 3%. So, what do you think, I'll pay the $14 dollars. I hope to get it right this time.

I'll update you whenever possible about this. Keep checking this post.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Blender File Browser - Bug Report

There is this bug that it seems to be in every version that I know of..

Try to open the File Browser:

Then click on Window Type button:

Then the buttons (Open) and (Cancel) are gone!

Is this normal or not? Should I report this as a bug.. mmm I think I should..